Developing, printing, and testing, high-performance osseointegrative spinal implants
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Featured speakers

Dr. Shane Keaveney
Research & Development Manager

John Laureto
Business Manager

Mandy Rosengren
Senior Solutions Engineer
Webinar details
Croom Medical needed a faster and more reliable way to develop complex structures for medical implants, so they turned to nTop to create multi-lattice designs and Renishaw’s Quantum technology to print them. In this webinar, you’ll see how nTop and Renishaw enabled Croom Medical to develop a capability for multipurpose lattice simulation and produce a more effective implant structure in less time. Hear from Dr. Shane Keaveney, Research and Development Manager at Croom Medical, and John Laureto, AM Americas Business Manager at Renishaw. They will be joined by Mandy Rosengren, Senior Solutions Engineer at nTop.You’ll learn:
- How to design a medical implant with multi-lattice structures.
- How to develop and print lattice structures using Renishaw’s L-PBF additive manufacturing technology.
- How mechanical simulation can help you iterate quickly.
You’ll also get an up-close look at how Croom Medical uses Renishaw’s advanced AM technology, nTop’s latticing and simulation capabilities and see a real crush test performed on the implants.