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Automated design of part fixtures for automotive assembly

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Video: Automated design of part fixtures for automotive assembly

Video: Automated design of part fixtures for automotive assembly

Published on June 22, 2020

Custom part fixtures are widely used on the factory floor to hold components in place safely during assembly or testing. Such fixtures can be designed either manually using traditional CAD tools or generated automatically using modern design software.

In this nTop Live, Gabrielle Thelen, Application Engineer at nTop, shows how nTop can accelerate, simplify, and automate the design of custom fixtures that conform to the geometry of any automotive tail lamp or similar component.

Watch and learn how to:

  • Design fixtures and part nests that conform to any complex shape
  • Create repeatable workflows that can be reused with different geometries (aka different parts)
  • Automate the design of fixtures that need to be changed often on your factory floor

To access the files used during the demonstration, download them here!