Easy in. Easy out.
Seamlessly import and export data within your existing workflows.
Upload CAD files and other engineering data.

STEP (.step), Parasolid (.x_t and .x_b), CATIA (.CATPart, CATProduct), Solidworks (.sldprt, .sldasm), Creo (.prt, .asm), NX (.prt), Inventor (.ipt, .iam), ACIS (.sat,.sab)
STL (.stl), OBJ (.obj), Polygon File Format (.ply), 3D Manufacturing Format (.3mf)
Abaqus(*.inp), ANSYS (.cdb, .msh, .rst, .rth, .cas, .dat), LS-DYNA (.k) NASTRAN (.bdf, .op2), Patran(.pat), CGNS, (.cgns), Universal File Format (.unv), Topology Optimization Result (.op2)
Common Layer Interface (.cli)
Bitmap (.png), Point Data (.csv), Vector and Scalar Point Maps (.csv), Voxel Grid (.vdb)
Create high-performance geometries.

Lattice Structures
Volume and surface lattices. Graph, TPMS, and custom unit cells. Stochastic structures. Rib grids.
Topology Optimization
Multi-objective and multi-constrain optimization. Automated post-processing.
Advanced Modeling
Variable shelling and offsets. Fillets and smoothening. Boolean operations.
Design Analysis
Built-in structural and thermal FEA. Import, conversion, and exchange utilities.
Build Preparation
Part orientation. Support structure generation.
Convert to the format you need.

STEP (.step), Parasolid (.x_t and .x_b), IGES (.iges)
STL (.stl), OBJ (.obj), Polygon File Format (.ply), 3D Manufacturing Format (.3mf)
Abaqus (.inp), ANSYS (.cdb), Nastran (.bdf), LS-Dyna (.k), Universal (.unv), Patran (.pat), Fluent (.msh)
Common Layer Interface (.cli), Common Layer File (.clf), Renishaw Point Data (.csv), Renishaw CLI (.cli), Arcam ABF (.abf), Stratasys Layer (.ssl), EOS CLI (.cli), BW image stacks (.png), 3D Systems (.slc), ConceptLaser Slice v4 (.cls)
nTop Implicit File (.implicit), Point Data (.csv), Vector and Scalar Point Maps (.csv), Voxel Grid (.vdb)
Integrate with your existing software stack.

nTop Automate
Using nTop Automate, you can write custom code to execute nTop workflows through a programmatic environment.
Leverage reference integrations and the nTop PLM connector to integrate nTop into your system.
Integrate with popular multidisciplinary design optimization platforms, including ModeFrontier, ModelCenter, and ProcesComposer.
Transfer your most complex designs without a mesh
Implicit Interop is a new data transfer technology specifically built to address the challenges created by additive manufacturing, enabling data transfer between nTop, manufacturing, CAD, and CAE software with file sizes in the megabytes, not gigabytes.

Why integrate nTop into your existing software stack?
Optimize your current software investments
Fit nTop into your current workflows to optimize geometry without breaking the digital thread.
Automate your design process
Import CAD, simulation results, and other test data to feed your design process and build reusable workflows to generate high-performance geometry.
Export in multiple formats
Convert your design to B-Reps, meshes, slice data, or other formats and integrate fully with your existing software stack.
Is your software ready for additive manufacturing?
Traditional software isn’t built to take full advantage of new opportunities for engineers. Maximize the benefits of additive manufacturing with the best advanced latticing tools available.